Kimpton Parish Year 2003


§         John Fellows became new Methodist minister


§         New street cleaner employed by the Parish Council for 16 hours per week


§         Don Desborough died in January

§         Despite objections from the Parish Council and residents, permission was given by the District Council for a telecommunications for the “Orange” mobile phone network to be erected on Coopers Hill, just above Coopers Close.


§         The extension to the Memorial Hall was begun in December


§         The surface of the road round the South side of The Green and drainage underneath it was improved by the Parish Council.


§         A new footpath running between Peters Green village and the Village Hall was made with the help of funding from Herts County Council.



§         The Parish Council conducted a Crime Survey, the results of which showed that many felt that the village had inadequate policing and that police response to emergencies was poor.  There had been an increase in vandalism.


§         Julie Birch was appointed Police Community Safety Officer.